Financial Planning

You may or may not be shocked to learn that most financial planners don’t plan nearly as much as they should. A true financial plan is built around your goals for retirement, investments, and planning for your estate, but also accounts for other emergency situations beyond your control and the potential consequences that emerge.

At Pangea–which assists numerous clients with managing and pursuing their financial goals in Texas, Florida, California, Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio–we are dedicated to working together to give you the financial freedom you deserve. How? By creating a comprehensive financial plan that has all your bases covered.


Insurance Analysis

Whether you’re nearing retirement or you’re an early planner, you might be thinking about life insurance and how much you actually need in order to give your loved ones enough financial benefit. If you already have a life insurance policy, we can analyze it and take a deeper look into your current financial situation to ensure you purchase the policy that’s best for you and your family. This way, your employees can get more comprehensive health coverage. 


Investment Management

Investments have the potential to earn passive income that works to provide you with financial freedom and also support the lifestyle you want once you retire. The key to relying on investments as passive income is to have a strategic portfolio. We will help you create a personalized portfolio that is based on your short and long term goals and also determine how to continue managing your portfolio so it best aligns with your financial plan in any phase of your life.


Retirement Planning

Your retirement plan, just like any other financial plan and strategy, should be unique to your circumstances and your goals. Whether you need to set up an individual retirement plan or run a company that would like to offer compelling employee benefits, our financial advisors at Pangea Financial Group are here to assist so you can feel financially empowered.


Consulting Strategies

As you manage your finances, our consulting services will help guide you in your journey toward financial freedom. We’ll take the time to understand what you want out of your life and use this information to optimize your financial plans to more effectively pursue your goals.


Tax Planning

Taxes play a tremendous role in how your financial plan is carried out. When it comes to having a reliable financial plan, we can work together with your tax professional(s). Our multiple perspectives can aid in developing a sound strategy to minimize taxation for corporations and individuals.

Pangea Financial Group is Your Financial Advisor for Life 

Headquartered in Texas and Florida and serving clients nationwide, we exist to help you better plan your finances. If you’d like to feel more financially free, please contact us. We would be more than happy to help.

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Pangea Financial Group

Our financial advisors provide employee benefits plans, insurance analysis, financial planning, investment management, and financial consulting.


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